Character as a Strategic Asset
Have you ever thought about the role character plays in business success?
Turns out, quite a big role! Character isn’t just a nice-to-have—it’s a game-changer. It influences decision-making, leadership effectiveness, and even the overall success of an organization. If you want to gain a competitive edge, developing strong leadership character is a great place to start.
We had the privilege of hosting one of the authors of Make Leader Character Your Competitive Edge, Mary Crossan, to explore how character shapes workplace dynamics. We're sharing our top four insights from that discussion to help you embrace and leverage leader character as a strategic asset.
Insight 1Character Drives Success
Insight 1Character Drives Success
Every decision, every action, and every interaction within a company is shaped by character. It's no surprise that hiring and developing leaders with positive character traits—like integrity, responsibility, forgiveness, and compassion—tends to lead to more successful businesses. In fact, one study found that organizations with leaders of high character enjoyed nearly five times the return on assets!
Insight 2Character is Built, Not Born
Insight 2Character is Built, Not Born
Leader character is often misunderstood and undervalued. Some believe character is simply about ethics or an inherent trait that you either have or don’t. The truth? It’s a habit—one that, like any other, can be developed and strengthened over time. Organizations that actively promote and reward character-building behaviors help create stronger, more effective leaders.
Insight 3Character Requires Competence
Insight 3Character Requires Competence
Competence is undoubtedly crucial, but character isn't a separate facet of leadership; it's complementary. When you’re capable, character is the competitive edge that can set you apart. It enhances decision-making ability, overall effectiveness, and fosters a culture of excellence in organizations.
Insight 4Staying in Balance is Key
Insight 4Staying in Balance is Key
Leadership character isn’t just about having strong values—it’s about keeping them in balance. The ten dimensions of character—courage, drive, collaboration, humanity, transcendence, humility, integrity, temperance, justice, and accountability—all work together to make a good leader. For example, too much courage can lead to recklessness, while too little might mean missed opportunities. It's important for leaders to find the right equilibrium.